Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Twitter is helping you Aquire New Guests

Twitter took a major step today in expanding it's protect offering.  The lead generation card allows for brands to promote and acquire new guests.

When a user expands the tweet, they’ll see a description of the offer, as well a small button underneath that will allow them to instantly send their basic contact information – name, Twitter handle and email address – to the brand or business in question.  It is still not clear on how the brand will acquire the data for future marketing purposes.  I am sure in the coming days we will hear of an API that works hand in hand with this.  One of the things that stands out for me is that it makes it easy on the consumer (already pre-filled fields).  I can see a very low abandonment rate once a follower expands the tweet.

Currently Twitter is rolling this out to a select few clients that are managed by them.  As you can see from the screenshot one of them is priceline the others are  New Relic and  Full Sail.
This is a giant step forward for social marketing and fusing the integrated approach that is key to running a successful marketing program.  If I had one prediction it would be that for this to work marketers will need to look at their email programs closer to see how they can create lifetime customers from this acquisition channel.

Priceline promoted Tweet using New! Lead Generation Card

Email received with promotion code

I am sure there's an App for that!

Mobile has become such a big part of our lives and it seems like it has happened overnight.  Consumers are more likely to turn their car around to go back home to get their phone then if it was their lunch or wallet.  As marketers try to figure out how to leverage this new way consumers consume their content it is important to understand the stats behind it.  Apps are a large part of the mobile space but also an unknown for most marketing.  This presentation is a good starting point to understand the impact mobile apps have on our customers.  Have you thought about an app for your business?  What would make you build one?  How do you see it impacting your bottom line?  What do you think needs to be in an app to keep customers engaged?  These are just a few questions I am thinking of any thoughts please leave a comment I would be interested to hear what you have to say.

                          157 Mobile App Stats You Should Know About from Stuart Dredge